Newly released single from the album, Melodic Musings by R Hill.
A meditative prayer for us to transform the world into a loving and peaceful place for all of us to live in joyful harmony.
After purchase, if the song does not automatically download, a link will appear in the web browser to download the Mp3 of FORGIVEN to your computer or device.
If there are any issues with this process, use the Contact Form to notify R Hill and he will email you the Mp3 of WORLD PRAYER.
Melodic Musings is a 20 Song album produced by R Hill of Poems from Poetry In Notion that crosses several genres and provides an ethereal musical experience.
Through the use of modern technology, R Hill trained several male and female voice models with his husky voice and soothing falsetto and rendered several virtual performers to cover most of his auditory works of art.
Overall, Melodic Musings is thoroughly entertaining as generously edifying as the musical interpretation of each Poem; as it amplifies and elevates their emotional essence.
Melodic Musings Song List Includes:
Melodic Musings Song List Includes:
1 – FORGIVEN | 3:24 2 – MONKEY BACK | 3:19 3 – GENTLEMAN JACK | 5:03 4 – BREAKING AT THE SEAMS | 3:48 5 – REWIND | 2:54 6 – STORIES | 4:44 7 – FOR A LITTLE WHILE | 3:38 8 – ZOOM | 4:11 9 – FLICKER | 5:34 10 – RAINDROP LOVE | 2:19 11 – THESE EYES | 4:16 12 – THE WAY | 4:44 13 – MY QUEEN | 2:50 14 – LISTEN | 5:48 15 – FREEDOM FIGHTER | 2:27 16 – OUR DAY HAS COME | 3:07 17 – UNCONDITIONAL | 2:47 18 – FUTURE VISION | 4:27 19 – TIME KEEPER | 3:06 20 – WORLD PRAYER | 3:33
As you listen intently to the Melodic Musings album, these catchy tunes will move your body, expand your mind and enrich your soul.